This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the FLHSMV.

DMV Appointment & Offices location

Select your Service


Select your county to obtain your office lists: address, phone number, opening hours, appointment information, and more.


We recommend you select your county, and we will offer you the list of the closest DMV offices in your county or city.

In Florida, many offices require appointments for service.

Every county has its own information on appointments: For Tax Collector Offices or License Plate Agents, please select your county to get information and official links.

It will depend on whether you are an American citizen, an immigrant, a non-immigrant, or a Canadian.

We have prepared a page exclusively to define these issues. To obtain this list, we recommend you read the section on what to bring to my appointment.

If you want to know the updated fees, you can read the following article: DMV fees in Florida.

Take advantage of the following self-service options that are available on the phone 24/7 at (850) 617-3000, please be prepared to provide your driver license number, Social Security number, title or vehicle identification number

Customer Service (CDL Help Desk) (850) 617-2606.

Commercial Carrier IFTA/IRP Help Desk (850) 617-3711.

Commercial Driver License Retest Help Line (850) 617-2707.

Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (850) 617-2280.

Crash Reports/Records – to purchase copies of the crash report/records: Call (850) 617-3416, Option 5.

Dealer licensing – Mobile Homes, Recreation vehicles, Automobiles: (850) 617-3003.

For general questions about your driver record/license, please contact Customer Service at (850) 617-2000.

FHP Bureau of Criminal Investigations and Intelligence (850) 617-2302.

International Registration Plan /International Fuel Tax Agreement – (850) 617-3711.

Mobile Homes Construction – (850) 617-2808.

Mobile Homes Installers – (850) 617-3004.

Motorcycles: For general questions about your motor vehicle, vessel or mobile home, please contact Customer Service at (850) 617-2000.

To get the phone number of your nearest office, select your county or city.

No. This portal is private and has no relationship with FLHSMV.

All the information offered by this portal is obtained from the official FLHSMV website. Link to the official website:

© 2025 - This website is privately owned and is not affiliated with the FLHSMV. The official FLHSMV website: